Back to the beginning
Before you go on and explore where we are going, please take a few minutes to read our story about where we have been.
Once upon a time
Once upon a time in the historic town of Old Wethersfield, stood a home patiently waiting to be loved. I remember standing with my husband on those concrete stairs and opening the door for the very first time as owners. With a bottle of Veuve Clicquot in one hand and two plastic champagne glasses in another, we opened that rickety old door with the same excitement as when we bought our first house. Except this one was different. This one was going to be dirty and crazy and tough. This one was going to require more love than any other project we have ever taken on. This one was going to push us to limits we never knew existed but we did it.
Diving in, head first
Our 8hrs of sleep a night fizzled real fast and the daunting reality of what we got ourselves into made its presence clear. With little renovation "know how" and absolutely no experience with historical architecture, we had no choice but to dive in, head first. Thank goodness for YOUTUBE!
Can of worms...
Holy moly is right! Our beloved 1880s Greek Revival soon turned into an unbearable eye sore in town. We officially opened a can of worms.
New SKins
I remember this sunny day as if it were yesterday. At this moment, all of the scary stuff had been resolved and it was ready to start making 146 Main Street beautiful again with all it's historic bones and new skins.
The Rebuild
There is something surreal about standing in what was once a vision and looking up into the sky through exposed beams. That was me when I took this picture. I will never forget wiping the tears from my face in total awe. It was officially time to rebuild.
“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”
Make the Magic Happen
Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. Every ounce of this 2 year project will forever share a very special place in my heart as well as all those who stood by our side. The future of Larissa Lake and Co. lay within those beautiful walls. The time had finally come to make the magic happen.
A very special thank you to my loving, supportive and patient husband and sons. We did it!